Oblation run 2017

Reverseoblationrun on Alpha Phi Omega 97th Anniversary Profile, 7 April 2024

We are 1 step nearer to achieve equality in Oblationrun, Guess which 1 is Original? Support our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reverseorg


Satire Oblation (Pylon) Run – The one that Vacuum in my post for a while, when it should be the Main topic, 11 April 2023

As a blog for satiring sexist unfair ‘cfnm’ (objectification of young men student) oblation run – For year I have vacuum discuss it as a main topic, when I should make it as Main topic often. Here my 2 main memes satire oblation run with evidence, I post it on my reverseoblationrun instagram before went outside city by plane month ago (I just be careful incase something happen= this post exist on my instagram), so Now I present for you, feel free to share,& give credit to my name. This also prove if I post female form= It a representation of protest (not “Hypocrite”, nor “Perv” like hater love to potrait)

As you can see my evidence above,& below that it True there’s a Hypocrisy that Asian Feminine (Modesty) type of Feminist,& it “macho hero” dude, influencer, media, Unicef/ United Nation, and Religious Bigot Apply, I wait for this “Big organisation of gender equality” to speak up which they never does, then seeing them grieve everytime it about tanktop/ bikini issues, then on other day if it young male student frontal naked fest at public institution= relax, laugh, even justify it again..

Yet if we called them out (their hypocrisy) = They’ll (ignorantly) use “whataboutism”, or “Howaboutism” tactic, instead to admit their blatant ‘clear cut’ hypocrisy, and make improvement = “They denial by said they care for both,& no hypocrisy exist here: then blame,& Frame me as somehow I’m not asking equality for men, but just ‘hater’ try to silence female voice (so it frame female victim again, and men as the bad one again), told me to shut up if female victim speak (problem is always female time to speak), told me to just make my own video then they will somehow help” (which they never do, if I tweet, I Rt alone, and even some of them come to my post to mock me), see? after silencing us, they continue their double standard as usual

Bonus a bit, no, it not hypocrite since: 1) this from other country- which have male nudity too. 2) this not held by institution (like oblation run does). 3) It safe, and proven it possible (so to people who falsely accused me as ‘woke’ then said 1/2 naked topless female is impossible, here for you- a bunch of full naked female protest at street, and it Do safe – except if people like you ie religious bigot try to disturb in order to prove your point, lol), And also I need to explain some other point – but it too long, and I know hater will use another bias reasoning trying to debunk me, anyway it for next other post, so I leave it here.

If you pissed, and upset prude feminist because of me censored the pic of naked men, while not censored female nude protest pic which to be remember this is just individual mini blog, then how about me who must anxiety face ‘ton of naked young men student fest’ at public here? which worse held by institution (while at same time witnessing same institution will outcry if it ‘1 female college student in (non nude) bikini at her own indoor room selfie’). Beside in my meme since I saw the comparison is ‘bikini’ vs ‘naked men’ so I censored the men genital, and not knowing I’ll post this ladies protest pic today.

Reverse Oblation (/ Pylon) run do Possible- a message to Philippines, 3 February 2022

To alpha phi omega member, university of philippines, hypocrite modesty type of southeast asian feminist & it’s “superhero” dude, religious bigot at Phi- who one side (ly) claim “female semi nudity impossible as fest, not tolerated as culture, and sexism to women too” (when they alone relax & enjoy Cfnm/ male frontal nu dity here, even the undrage boy one, and defend it in the name of “tradition”): here photos from other country that female form in non/ less s xual context do possible, and safe.

Ps: No this female nudity pic below doesn’t sexist to women since the ladies decide by her own consent, she already adult, she did it in non/ less s xual context & proven safe, in society were female form normalize = men can accustomed by it, and if men see it so what? he know the right context, he – since that society normalize female form – not “obsessed crazily” like guy who live at mid east, so yes we men do able to control himself, yes men can still attracted but now it called ‘admiring’, and if it must be a “crime” it same level of crime just like when ‘female bystander can see bunch of frontal na ked male student, or even an undrage pu ber boy nu dity at street’ – the misandry culture that you alone defend it Phi, stop being hypocrite, more: this photos from other country showing men & women naked equally, it’s at Phi who objectified only male na ked student, and mi nor boy nu dity at street.

Feligreses acuden a la Iglesia de San Hipólito a conmemorar a San Judas Tadeo, Un asistente de la iglesia procede a recoger el diezmo en la vía pública donde se congregan asistentes a la celebración católica.

Countering a common excused “See? a new assault case, men will always be men (s x offend*r), therefore segregated all, and censor female bodies strictly”, 5 september 2021

I’m late to celebrate gotopless 2021, or topless equality in this August since busy, anxiety problem, and I just pet a dog tho!

Anyway let me ‘celebrate it’ by countering a ‘right’/ conservative/ prudish type of feminist/ religious bigot who said “social construct is stupid, men will always be a men (read ‘s x offender’), therefore we need to segregate all, and banned topless ladies etc etc”: Now my respond is ‘yes case of assault towards women difficult to extinct, but that doesn’t mean topless equality with male friends, or other similar pattern of it somehow “shouldn’t happen at all”, biased (I know they will use it on their campaign everytime there’s a moment of ‘assault’ case from men to women happened).

  1. Be out of box: Haters often excused “Yeah topless at street & got assault, because men are always be a men, social construct they said, it’s really difficult to understand only women should cover?”- but this is biased when we support topless equality= no one told female to topless alone at danger street in midnight, what we mean by this is if at art museum/ movie were it crowd & safe, it’s okay for body confidence female to topless in non/ less sexual context, and men can accustomed by it [yes, social construct do can happened ;)]. Imagine if we listen to mideast mentality who said ‘bikini at pool is impossible, male couldn’t control himself’ which people at ‘mideast’ perceived it “make sense”, then we will never realize how at Bali bikini is very normal (the same goes to topless equality i.e I think it impossible till I realize at France fashion show/ Germany snow sliding competition: topless female at public is no big deal. By the way men exposed his chest equally too already- before hater twist me as “hypocrite”, they’re the one who hypocrite because allowed “objectification of topless men” at their society while using bra top female issues for play “objectification” card & banned it, we more fair by either censored men nipple too, or free the nipple. by the way again: penis= VAGINA).
  2. We advice ‘right’/ modesty type of asian feminist/ religious bigot/ media or anyone who “obsessed with female modesty” not to join our celebration, why? because either ‘the conservative guy will try to disturb the ladies just trying to prove “his point”, or the Southeast asian modesty type of ‘hypocrite’ feminist will search anything that they can use to twist it as somehow “harassment” already happened, and inject fear to our mind (‘We are victim by perv evil men’ like that rite prudish feminist?  for your own agenda). Modesty type of feminist truly hate body confidence female who they subjectively perceived “degrade/ objectified her own gender” (while being hypocrite by – in my long observation – always relax/ even defending if it’s male who “objectified” his bodies whether “only men topless/ only men in speedo/ even support men only naked fest at institution, or legal scene “O men must be taboo to see female semi nudity at scene, while female audience okay to see naked men at comedy scene, yes it is equal already, men women should be different haha”… but if men & women topless equally, seen each other top equally= somehow “unfair to women, equality is a must”, see? (what kind of equality prudish type of female? told men to full naked when you not even half naked? come on)
  3. What I said is based on my observation since kid, so not just “assumption” like my hater love to portrait. Some evidence of what I said do already exist whether at this blog/ my other blog/ my insta memes/ my vlog*

Unfairness of what consider as ‘nudity’ between Female vs Male in Muslim, Mid-East, Sex Negative Feminism, Feminine Traditionalist, Asia, Christians, U.s, and Legal media, 26 February 2019


This meme show you one main reason why “mainstream of people often love to biasedly compared male full frontal nudity with (just) female semi nudity”- which actually funny how they can mistaken this simple think.

Penis=VAGINA, male bottomless=female bottomless, and breast=male chest : so it’s wrong to compared ½ naked female w/ fully frontal naked male- it’s subjectivity perception that born from your surrounding society’s habit (*some people think they’re smart enough to ignorantly said “social construct never exist”, it do exist see Europe vs mid east people for example bring them to swimming pool & give swimming suit see is the result based on social construct or not: “O the hejabi doesn’t want to wear swimsuit & offended because the female shy by nature”- although almost all of Europe female see it as a normal swimsuit & no problem wear it, they never said. this is just small evidence social construct have role.. include make people biased-ly see non naked female as “naked”).

How if I said ‘o if male topless can be seen by female eyes, so male must able to see vagina- equal’ you easily understood this is biased (even claim this statement “objectified female vagina”, so how come you still don’t get it that it goes both way! Comparing ‘female semi nudity w/ male frontal nudity’ is un-valid too, it’s ‘objectified male penis’ too- why I never hear you said it??)

So by your “rational” you claim

Case a: male & female can seen each other sex topless equally (which actually already fair) = “objectified female only”

Case b: (just example) where male can see vagina, while female just allowed to see male topless = “very unfair & more objectified female bodies only, how evil men are blabla”

Yet case C (the exact reverse situation of case b): Where female can (even) see (objectified) penis (male genital), yet male (count “wrong” if see female genital/ vagina) aka just allowed to see female topless only- not in pervy senses (which actually very unfair to male 1 too since: more ‘objectified’ male bodies only (male bottom part*), or objectified male genital only) =  suddenly “Oh it’s okay already equal” facepalm

This is why I remake this meme credit to guy4progress guy who firstly make something like this.

So I hope you spread my meme for awareness, it easy just spread it at your own home, own bed, own pc.

Let make society realize that actually they already “objectified” male nudity too (even some more frontal than female one), the problem is they falsely see male nudity/ semi nudity as “he fully clothed/ family rating”, or missed to aware that the guy/ the male is already shown ‘objectified’ naked/ semi naked too- at tv/ movie/ even some happen at public too (why only count sexism if it happen to female?).

Share it look ‘powerless’ until you realize this can do something.

And what I said is true i.e U.k & U.s movie who only dare to ‘exploited’ male genital only (penis) for audience legally- even an erect one, yet somehow more protect female Genital modesty (i.e covered vagina by merkins), and there’s other example too just often read this blog here.

Community as team for Reverse oblation run, 4 January 2019

So already almost 5 years I try to raise awareness of sexism at oblation run (on how it objectified male, and the shame to female who are body confidence), whining about all ‘nudity inequality’ that I see (mostly about sexism of ‘only dare to objectified male nudity in more frontal way legally’), satire-ing feminine feminist hypocrisy who ‘obsessed with female modesty, while hoping men immodesty since she think their gender “win” by that’ yet hide their hypocrisy behind “we will never be equal” cliche (which obviously many mainstream support this – not so true – traditional mentality- I don’t said I deny different bet ween us, But in this specific ‘nudity/ body censorship equality’ thing, yes! It can be equal & yes! Double standard in this case mean unfairness).

This 5 year true it show good step, I got some ‘friends’, I raise awereness on this, from my “extremism” way to protest too abundant when younger- till more relax now, we stay on track. This have a progress but I think this can still grow bigger, and more fast for achieve equality if we – who have same passion – have a community, more communicate to each other, more back up each other, and if we did this & let it flow- see what will happen next – in the future we will have some good way to pressure our sexist society & it’s ignorance mainstream, in future we will have power without need to begging other. I said this because I see many useless movement with their ludicrous issues but can make a change on status quo because they all gather in a team (our movement who are more make senses should also can make a change if we not separated each other).

One way is I need everybody who have same passion’s back up contact (in case my, or your account get banned) like MeWe, Whatsapp (yes 1 company with shitty facebook & instagram make Whatsapp unreliable since can get monitoring- no real freedom of speech), or even (at least) your email address. By this then we can make private chat group, then from this it can grow bigger – I believe – like a ‘snowball’. So here’s my email address reverseoblationrun [@] gmail [dot] com. Share your’s by Dm me or email me (then they guy that I trusted enough can get other contact of ‘friends with the same passion’)

Yes, if group already exist- it will not be always ‘happy’ thing, we can have conflict sometime, or stress together because of sexism (I personally have anxiety stress problem) but we need to keep going remember that: This is still better than no community at all, even just online at first! Keep a positive vibe!

If male nudity can be show / ‘objectified’ as entertainment in family public place at some Asia place/ film, then it should be okay too if the gender were reverse, (or if not okay for female form to be show in family rating place, Then Bloody Hell Prohibit Male Nudity too!)

*This photos below – a female photos- is a non family rating/ considered as adult photos & at non public too- just outdoor (remember a male nudity can be ‘objectified’ on public family rating place/ show + legally at Asia- so to Asia feminine feminist don’t play victim objectification card, at least admit that male nudity is objectified too sometime even more frontal like my previous post as evidence!). **I post this photos since angry everytime seeing male nudity objectified more easily at movie/ public & every hypocrite mainstream act like a “normal” day until the sexes where reverse (so Not in “pervy” senses).


***Not to forget usually in adult rating situation yes the female naked, but then the female can more ‘objectified/ demystified’ male bodies with her senses like ‘handjob/ bj’ in the scene porn for her enjoyment fantasy (yes it exist this kind of female too), so actually ‘always male that be more objectified either in public or porn’ word- have a truth in it (again read my prev post as evidence, and read my argument here carefully too).

Back to our issues, I’m waiting for you who have same passion to be more active to contact me, and share this.


Oblation run 2018-2019 (still) sucks- always tons of male nudity that been ‘objectified’ frontally at public, even held by (Asia) institution every fucking year from 1970s (before feminine feminism born), 26 November 2018

I. How contrast it discriminate male by ‘objectified’ male nudity only

So Oblation run (Alpha Phi Omega fraternity, University of Philippines) from 1970’s till now 2018, 2019, 2020 (and on, and on) will always discriminate male sexes as usual since – not only it ‘objectified’ a guy in his underwear for 1 girl to see anymore – but even ‘objectified’ & ‘demystified’ bunch of male anatomy (penis + bonus his full male buttcrack) frontally like cheap object for bunch of female eyes to see, and this can happen at public, considered legal, and worse even held by (Asia) education institution (which claim to be more prudish than West).  While at same time – this is how it injustice – a guy not even see a ½ naked female (which  actually still not full naked, aka bottom on), a guy not even (only) see female in bikini (not only covered her genital/ bottom part, but even cover her – just – ‘upper part, non genital’ nipple too), he even not see just a cleavage of female (which still fully covered- bottom & top on + double layer) at festival in Asia public (education) institution (let alone it’s equivalent – a full nude female), and/ or couldn’t happen without seen as ‘fucking offensive’ by Asian mainstream, legal media, government, especially sex negative feminine feminist (who will loose her mind if exist ‘only bunch of female frontal nude public fest at Asian legal institution).

So a ‘male see female lingerie festival at public education institution’ (for example) is more taboo since can more upset mainstream & feminine feminist + easily count as “evil men eyes objectified female”, yet if reverse even more worse ‘female can see tons of fully frontal naked male at public that held by university + laugh, photos & even selfie’ is never count as anything? Mainstream & sex negative feminist act like this is an isolated incidence?  act like a normal day?



II. Imagine if the gender were reverse- a female version of oblation run only

Imagine if the gender were reverse in Asia/ Southasia – (for example) if it ‘only female naked streak fest’ (even if let said the female not full naked yet, just in ½ naked or like just in lingerie) happen at legal education institution publicly it will be fucking ‘politically incorrect’, gender issues, and offensive by mainstream- let alone a frontal naked female  (even a naked female at public adult bar is considered inappropriate at Philippines).

I once read article the female teacher (if I’m not wrong) ask the guy to streak naked protest with the theme of protest “stop objectifying women”, imagine if an Asian male teacher tell female student to protest naked for issues of “stop objectifying male”.

And often time I saw other country can give pressure to 1 society if it ‘objectified female’ publicly at institution “female solidarity! Sisterhood” but I never see other country give pressure to this oblation run since it’s a male that been ‘objectified’- even if already frontal fully naked at public.



III. Philippine Hypocrisy

Once a highschool group of girl in Philippines get problem for posting their photos in bikini (still not naked) at facebook (still not at public)

Once a ‘wet t-shirt contest’ were female in bikini or shirt wet herselves until some part can be exposed at public adult bar is also banned by Philippine feminism.


Once at oblation run 2013 or 2014 (forgot) there were 2 Korean female who – out from plan – suddenly naked by themselves protesting ‘inequality since female considered taboo to naked streak publicly’ both probably get investigated and/ or punished since official Alpha Phi Omega fraternity, University of Philippines condemned it.



Also once other female feminine feminist from outside Vietnam condemned & pressure Vietnam Airline for daring to have female staff with just bra/ bikini top (still bottom on with double layer + not even show ‘just an upper non genital’ nip), never heard International sex negative feminism condemned/ pressure to oblation run in Philippines (/ any other male nude public fest)  since it’s a male that been ‘objectified’ – even if already show in fully naked condition at oblation run (show a Male bottom part: Genital- Penis + male buttcrack frontally).

IV. Exposing underage teen male or boy

Philippines is 1 of Southasia country with full of unfairness on this issues:

At oblation run there’s a probability underage male run naked too- imagine if reverse (once Alpha Phi Omega fraternity search 100 gullible guy to be “objectified” naked at street, but they get difficulty since the member who willingly to naked not until 100 men, suddenly during the fest somehow they get 100 guy which increase the probability they broke their own rule by searching other guy outside their member to naked as long it is a men, which include possibility of underage male).

There’s 1 district which have a 10s years old boy full naked streak festival too at public (yeah imagine if this & oblation run were reverse in gender, sex negative ’feminine’  feminist will be double outrage)


Tulis operation: a learning ‘female student nurse’ can did ‘male genital mutilation’ on boys, and get away with it, all staff who will circumcise a boy must be a female (yeah, don’t think with your dick- morons, just imagine if the gender were reverse), and worse this happen at public indoor.

V. Counter sex negative feminine feminist, Apo fraternity, media, and mainstream excused

a) One of excused like “Well we open for female to streak too, but no female want to do it”

Actually this irrelevant because it’s unfairness will not suddenly  be dismiss just by this. Still unfair if ‘male student doesn’t even see female (just) 1/2 naked (which still unfair to compared with fully naked male), nor see her (just) in bikini, nor see her (just) in bikini top, nor even see just a cleavage (of full clothed female) at University public fest, yet a female student (& other female bystander) can even easily see all-men-private-parts (which not covered by underwear anymore) aka seeing him even frontal naked at public University (photos + selfie)’ especially if this contrast statue quo exist from 1970s till now 2018 or even in future: it still obviously ‘objectified’ male

(just imagine if reverse there’s a Asia nude public festival were coincidence the male shy to naked, so only female naked, probably mainstream & sex negative feminist will still considered it as “discrimination” too, and demand it to be banned right? They not think about that “willing” excused, right?)

Other answer is female teach to be shy or care modesty while men requested to be shameless is also other factor that this excused is biased, also even if exist some minor female (think to participate) but see this oblation run streak seem ‘only-male-naked-streak’ tradition off course she will feel weird to participate naked- not to forgot majority female who is sex negative feminist will pressure any other body confidence girl for not “objectifying” herself (some female’re feminine ‘hypocrite’ feminist who think their female sexes “win” if only male that been ‘objectified’ at public even at institution (seen by female easily) while female modesty even fully protected, so they able in their “sodilarity sisterhood” tell other female to just participate in fully clothed (who knows)).



Also from what I hear actually the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity (Apo) requested for only male to be objectified naked during streak while prohibited female to naked (can be seen at 2013/2014..or at 2004? I fogot where 2 Korean female suddenly protest naked WILLINGLY – remember this female who naked streak just happen at the first time of oblation run history – yet already been condemned immediately with ‘any excused that Alpha phi omega fraternity can pull out from their ass’).

Other biased of that “willingly” excused is because this ‘clothed female, naked male’ situation already normalize so much which make mainstream blind by it’s unfairness & think no need to change it. Also that political correctness notion were ‘more unokay if female objectified her bodies at public, than if it’s a male who objectified himself at legal institution’.

b) Second Excused “Female not interested visually to see male body”

My answer is female do have feeling seeing male bodies, a female youtuber admit she have feeling seeing hot shirtless guy, I observed some female try to stare a men and even boy who pee at public (then shy when realize I look at them), at any kind of sex female couldn’t resist to demystified male genital with her senses (handjob, and blowjob) (you can said some are porn actress that been told to do so, but what I said the natural one i.e couple record themselves, or accidentally record by cctv..but even in the 1 where producer tell her to do so- probably because she herself also want to do it, who knows?)


Pic above shows female also design for sex, have an instinct to attracted to her opposite sexes- Male

Maybe female couldn’t erect but if she laugh seeing male butt, male dick then it count too

manila hypocritec TC

Again even if let assume “female no interest” still doesn’t change my argument that it still unfair by only demystified & objectified male nudity at street university.

VI. Female please be fair, don’t after read this article, suddenly you all act like never interested in oblation run just to defend unfairness at oblation run that favor female modesty.

LADIES PLZ 1 191118

LADIES PLZ 2 191118

LADIES PLZ 4 191118

LADIES PLZ 5 191118

LADIES PLZ 6 191118

LADIES PLZ 7 191118

LADIES PLZ 8 191118

LADIES PLZ 9 191118


If female are truly fair just admit the photos above, and have honest discussion. Don’t after read this article try to act like “never interested” just for defending sexism in oblation run that favor female (modesty).

VII. Female can more get away with it

Sometime this upset me as a male because for example ‘a female bikini show happen at public institution’ mainstream already started to whining about ‘evil male eyes objectified female’, then when some men take photos, mainstream especially sex negative feminist more angry about it ‘look, evidence male are pervert who objectified female’ they said..Yet in oblation run a bunch of male even frontal naked at education institution- nobody whining ‘gender issues’, then we see female audience can laugh, take photos, even selfie with still no mainstream criticize this women at all- even get worship sometime. If this female audience/ bystander upload photos of naked men at social media with her own original account (again still no sex negative feminist whining, like they love to did if the gender were reverse), legal tv news interview this girl below, talk fun (yeah if the gender were reverse – if it’s a naked female for example – media will never interview how guy feel, nor the female will loud laugh like the pic below).


hqdefault (2)C T

Not to forgot that Tuli operation were female learner feel free to upload a process of cut off dick (or if other case objectification of male nudity at oblation run) with her real account without need feel guilty (if me as a – Southasia – guy will feel guilty to did the exact reverse situation because realize how sensitive if it about ‘male upload photos of female body’ with his real account).

C-F2uFpUMAAR0j3.jpg largeC


yeahh education of male anatomy being objectified by female eyes (*only be approve as it is by feminine-feminist if the sexes were reverse)

An adolesence female girl also more accepted when seeing ‘demystifying’ male anatomy who “striptease” at street during oblation run, and even if she take a photos, records, selfie, or even upload with her real account- mainstream society & legal media will just see it as “okay”. Now the reverse situation would seem be more offensive by mainstream & media.


VIII. Imagine reaction of feminine feminist, religious fanatic, legal media, and rest of mainstream:  if oblation run were reverse in gender at Asia

Imagine if the photos of oblation run like:

Female audience see frontal naked male at public Asia institution

Female audience see bunch of frontal naked male at public Asia institution

Bunch of female audience see bunch of frontal naked male at public Asia institution

Female audience laugh at naked guy at public Asia university

Female audience laugh at bunch of naked guy at public Asia university

Female audience laugh at bunch of erect naked guy at public Asia university

Bunch of female audience laugh at bunch of erect up & down naked guy penis (& male buttcrack) at public Asia University

Female student see, laugh, and photos bunch of naked guy at public Asia university

Female student see, laugh, and photos bunch of naked erect guy at public Asia university

Female student see, laugh, photos , and record bunch of naked erect guy at public Asia university

Bunch of Female student see, laugh, photos , and record bunch of naked erect guy at public Asia university

Clothed female student selfie with naked guy at Asia public street

Clothed female student selfie with bunch of naked guy at Asia public street

Clothed female student selfie with bunch of naked erect guy at Asia public street

Bunch of clothed female student selfie with bunch of naked erect guy at Asia public street

Bunch of clothed female student & bystander selfie with bunch of naked erect up and down guy penis at Asia public university (then she act sweetly after ‘objectified’ Male bodies, while her modesty is protected)

Female student accidentally touch male butt

Female student accidentally touch male genital penis

Many female student accidentally touch male butt and/ or male erect genital penis

Many female student accidentally touch bunch of male butt and/ or male erect genital penis

Female student (not) accidentally touch male butt

Female student (not) accidentally touch male genital penis

Many female student (not) accidentally touch male butt and/ or male erect genital penis

Many female student (not) accidentally touch bunch of male butt and/ or male erect genital penis

Female kiss male genital penis at university & get away with (this is veryy rare but I once saw a photos of blowjob of this at University corridor, which I forgot to screenshot)





femdomland 2 5217cT

femdomland 5217 CT


oblerun09-21 C T

IX. Demand equality

Basically this article is to raise awareness of unfairness in oblation run, and I demand equality either ‘female streak fully naked too especially when tons of male already objectified themselves by being frontal naked from 1970s’ or ‘protect male modesty too’ period.

Here’s Magdangal project rules link: https://reverseoblationrun.wordpress.com/magdangal-demonstration-rules/

Here’s University of Philippines contact, satire & pressure them: https://reverseoblationrun.wordpress.com/contact-us/



X. Male student have rights too for having a ‘Reverse version’ of oblation run (especially since female student can have oblation run right, let be fair!)


femdomland 1 5217TC

Voyeur girl having lots of fun at the Oblation Run (6)TC

sexist and hypocrite as its bestTC

XI. Female get unfairness too- just from different perspective

Some body-confidence female feel this unfair to female too (from different perspective), if they just in bikini walk as a student can more easily labelled as “whores”, or “sluts” than a men student who even frontal naked streak publicly (I’m open if female want to said how oblation run unfair to them too, I make this article focusing on how it frustrated me as men).

XII. Youtube, facebook, and instagram hypocrisy

Some youtube (include instagram, and facebook) hypocrisy photos here, they very fast ‘age restricted’, or even removed female nudity (or just female semi nudity) yet more harder if we report male nudity vid like oblation run (some will never be removed, nor ‘age restricted’ even if clearly show male bottomless), upset with youtube, instagram, facebook political correctness that favor female modesty.

A vid at youtube were it clearly show male only full nudity streak at oblation run, I report it- then after a week look back again, and it seem nothing change (we know if it’s a female full nudity either can be removed, or age restricted. Even just a non naked female i.e lingerie can be age restricted), political corectness of ‘only care female modesty while ignoring male modesty’ youtube?






Compared with youtube link video where they have male & FEMALE naked equally:



Below’s Instagram (Ig) unfair censorship, a photos of 3 adult male with his penis clearly show up uncensored, Not removed by Ig when I report it. Yet we know very well Ig (& other popular social media like facebook) very fast in removing just a 1/2 naked female (which still more covered: bottom on- just show an ‘upper non genital part’ female nipple). Feel free to share this evidence to satire instagram, facebook, youtube, and any other social media’s hypocrisy.




XIII. Other related link to read:





Please help to share, or like- to people who passion of anatomy equality.




Announcement-Philippine Bar Girl & Owner, you can protest the discrimination of Philippines about: Only allowing male nudity to be objectified publicly (oblation run), or at public gay bar (yet only protect female modesty). 8 October 2018

If anybody is in Philippines, there is a way we may be able to use the oblation run to our advantage. Nude dancers formerly performed in bars in Philippines, and it was made illegal in the 1990s because of pressure from foreign feminists. Bargirls are not opposed to performing nude; they still do so at private parties. Nude performances would bring them more money, but they are prohibited from doing it.

(Male) Nudity is allowed in the oblation run, even though it is held in public where minors can view it, and it interferes with the normal use of public property. Minors (underage male) may also be participating in the oblation run. There is no requirement to prove that all oblation runners are adults, but there is a legal requirement that bars prove that all female employees are adults. I have read on the internet, and seen photos of a gay bar in Manila that has fully nude male performers.

If anybody reading this post is a bar girl or bar owner, or knows somebody who is, this is what can be done: Complain that by allowing nude male performers in bars, and allowing public male nudity at the oblation run, Philippines is discriminating. Complain that they are discriminating against female performers by not allowing them the same opportunity that male performers have to make money with nude show. Complain that they are discriminating against lesbian women by not allowing them to enjoy the same type of entertainment that gay men can enjoy. While it is also discrimination against heterosexual males, there is no use complaining about that because it is OK to discriminate against heterosexual males.

It might be effective if some bar girls were to announce to the news media that they plan to have a nude public demonstration to protest the unfairness. They don’t really need to protest nude; they will announce it only to get publicity so the news media and police will be sure to be there. The bar girls will be there fully clothed, and politely ask the police if they may protest in the nude. If they are given permission from the police, they will undress and protest. If they are not given permission, they will continue to protest fully clothed, and emphasize the unfairness that oblation runners are allowed to go nude in public but they are not. Share this!




Pic of the day: *The female nudity one is at West which mean already equal since have male nudity too at there (so feminine feminist if you want to get mad- don’t get mad at this Western photos, but get mad at oblation run (for example) where it truly unfair: only ‘objectified’ male student’s body even frontal full nudity at public! worse this held by Asia institution- who often problematic if it’s female student whose shown even if just in bikini). **Why I should even explain this over and over again to mainstream?


While memes below is satire Asian/ South Asian mentality, help me share this!



1/2 naked female= in rush covered her, Fully naked male= let his body being ‘objectified’ for female bystander’s eye (yes, female do have feeling seeing male form), 23 September 2018

Some people often said – a fallacy statement like this – “Oh if a women naked at public no one catch her, yet if it a male, police will catch him”, this is biased- it’s the opposite: I often experience if it a female who naked at public (even if just 1/2 naked, still bottom on) mainstream bystander often in rush either covering her/ call an authority (police), Yet if it’s a male (even if He Fully Frontal Naked- which more worse than just 1/2 naked) society just let his penis & ass to be “objectified” publicly (act like an isolated incident) even some think it’s funny. So yeah it’s a male nudity that more objectified by this double standard.

Other thing is most mainstream (especially Asia & Mid-East + Religious group) often perceived a semi naked female as “Fully naked” yet a fully naked guy often can still be perceived by them as “clothed”. I remember travel on 1 South Asia muslim country were there’s a news about female walk semi naked and instantly a police caught her in just 1 day, and I think to myself several time I saw a semi naked guy walk at street near police office during travel to this country (nobody interrupt), also twice I saw a full naked guy – 1 adult,  1 adolescence – bath at public river near another police post again (during traveling to this country), nobody loose their mind- no news (they let male bottom part to be ‘objectified’ by female bystander’s eye), and then (still on same country) I read an article were a body confidence feminist protest ‘why a semi naked female immediately get caught? yet a western guy who walk naked at public just about past few month (/ week- I forgot) at same state, and gain attention to public no respond by police. So this upset me – remember this is a muslim country were people sensitive if ‘guy see bit of female skin at public’ (easily count “male eyes are evil” & that feminine feminist playing “objectified” victim card), yet at a same time female can even free to see/ objectified fully naked male who walk naked at street (yes female do have feeling seeing male bodies). I once make article about this in previous post (if found it I’ll put the link on comment section).

And O I remember 2 other case were police on that muslim country immediately caught a naked female at street (but several case about male nudity being objectified at public? they ignored it).. so yeah sick to travel to country who hypocrite like that… Cambodia still bit more fair, not claiming religious but when there’s a Western guy & girl who bike naked – Cambodia equally kick both of this guy & girl.

My point is fairness if 1 country care female modesty- then care male modesty too. If 1 country ‘objectified’ male nudity- then let female walk naked at street too. Makes senses right to apply equality? Here’s a meme for small back up of what I said, feel free to share this article & meme for awareness, and remember whatever your standard, fairness & equality is important.




Japanese, why ‘hardcore objectification of male genital by female senses’ aka blowjob/ fellatio can even happen at crowded public, yet the reverse situation – cunnilingus/ pussylicking by male only at non crowded public place? so female who ‘played’ dick/ penis with her mouth can more get away with it (than if guy lick vagina)? message to Zenra, Javhd, Japanese pass, Japanese Idol etc. 29 may 2018

Japanese adult video/ official Japan porn is unfair to male on this case – yes if most male don’t think with their dick, they can understand how it’s unfair to men – only or always blowjob aka ‘hardcore objectification of male genital by female senses’ that can happen easily at crowded public place & female who “de- mystified penis with her senses” in crowded public can more get away with it (than if the gender were reverse), it proven by comparing their public fellatio vs public cunnilingus: most of Japanese public sex is blowjob (some of them even happen at crowded place) or at least intercourse sex- while cunnilingus by male (blowjob equivalent) are minor + ‘pussylicking by male’ at public only happen at NON crowded public space (sometime even change by lesbi pussyeating which not count since it not by opposite sex- male, or even just toying vagina- non skin contact at all between vagina & male senses) so it contrast or imbalance.


This photos is real I have seen the videos, they perform blowjob at crowded public place around 20+ second, then they have interview to the female Japanese av were she said ‘she enjoy it’, or ‘fun’, and she get away with it even if numerous of bystander people witness it (even get popularity maybe)… now, imagine if it’s a male lick vagina at crowded Asia public for 20 second then he laugh act sweetly, said it fun- you know what? probably it become viral since at crowded area- then him (as a men) will get troubled by authority/ people (especially sex negative feminism), and feminist count him-licking-pussy-frontally-at-crowded-public as “worse sex crime”- something like that “O how women vagina are objectified, we are oppressed”, yet they quite since the reality ‘it’s a male anatomy that being “humiliated” by female senses at crowded public’.

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Female get privilege to ‘exploit’ male anatomy with her senses- fellatio (which is already frontal, or hardcore sex) at fucking crowded public place for her fun fantasy, she get away with it, the reverse situation of this would never happen! + more easily derided as “sex crime” by sex negative feminist if male do it (lick vagina frontally at crowded area).

Some people as usual will said “she is forced”- Bullshit, if we saw she did it easily then after that laugh smile for interview- the biggest probability is ‘yes, part of her, she have fun by it’ especially if she still become routine Av star as usual without trying to flee. But still it’s not the main point – whether she like it, or half like it, or not – is irrelevant, the relevant thing is there still double standard when it come to “public cunnilingus vs public blowjob” at Japan: only bj/ ‘frontal objectification of male genital by female senses’ that can happen at crowded public place, and female gender more can get away with it after tasting dick publicly at crowded area (the reverse – male lick vulva at crowded public – is somehow seem as more politically incorrect).

Maybe you feel funny if I said ‘objectification’ thing- because for example if at one society there’s only female naked fest at street, and seen by male bystander (or let said the male can touch female but no turntable), mainstream & an elite will claim that’s “objectification” to female, and everybody will just agree. Now why then I couldn’t said the same to this? especially this is far more worse ‘only female who can taste naked dick at crowded public’, you shout equality but still need to be explain to understand, female want equality right so they get it by my article.

“That guy porn star like it?”, it not a justification- objectification to male still exist in this case. How if reverse “there’s a female who like to objectified herself, people will still just said it objectification” right?

Now if you ask me, where’s evidence of double standard, here my observation:



The tittle of this above both is “extreme public blowjob” vs “extreme public cunnilingus”, from same official big Japanese porn web- see the contrast different? there’s more numerous ‘public blowjob’ too (some non crowded) – which I not show it all of them…


Another prove that ‘public cunnilingus’ is more taboo to happen at public crowded place- than if public bj.

When I said: in Japanese only male semi/ nudity that accepted to be “objectified” legally officially at family public place than if gender were reverse- it true (like sumo for instant, only male can be officially exposed almost naked, the reverse would be problematic). Now feminist will argue me “how about this? huh, female (adult pornstar/ Av) naked at street” yes but it UN-official if at public, it Non family rating like the male nudity one, and in here (Av) yes some female semi/ naked at public but at the same time the male (Av) pornstar will be more ‘objectified’ like ‘handjob, or blowjob, or cum penis’ at public place even at crowded public place like evidence I give on very first photos (while the reverse cunnilingus by men: more rare, and more taboo to happen at crowded area), differentiate it!

Now, compared it with western porn- which Asian mainstream claim “more worse” than Asia:


Even Western porn afraid if they public blowjob get seen by people who pass by, in this pic above they immediately change from no 1 to no 2 when there’s a people walk by. Yet in Japan since blowjob is ‘frontal penis objectification by female senses’ they dare to do it at crowded area & get away with it!


Their public cunnilingus in this West video still covered by underwear, while when it fellatio men not wear underwear- double standard too actually in this scene…by the way I more focus talk on unfairness at Asia/ Japanese context (while in Europe it still more fair both oral sex can still happen at crowded area- although still taboo too by most of Europe mainstream).

Okay if people said “Hi who knows Japanese not angry too if we make cunnilingus by male at crowded public place? not yet people done it right?” yeahh maybe has little bit possibility although in my long observation Asia always love double standard towards male… but even if it true- it still not a justification to claim “it already fair” since still unfair if always bj (‘frontal hardcore objectification of male anatomy by female senses’) that happen at crowded Asian public place while no turntable until this time in Asia, and there’s already Asian female who taste ‘exploit’ dick by her mouth at crowded public for her fun fantasy (yet no guy break the turntable record yet, yeahh most of guy will derided in jail as “pervert criminal”)… but seriously I still doubt whether the turntable ‘cunni by guy at crowded area’ can happen smoothly in Asia like the bj one (Female modesty far more protected than men, Religious factor, and f-e-m-i-n-i-s-m).

It’s actually hurt you know to think ‘female can objectified our dick even with their mouth’ at crowded public area for her fantasy & she can get away with it (than if gender were twisted) at Asia (Japan)! since I observed even just a ‘male touch (only with his hand) a non genital clothed female breast for prank’ already make mainstream take it seriously as “gender issues” discussion, so how come the ‘more worse reverse situation’ – female taste male naked genital with her mouth can be seen less outraging (by mainstream) even if happen at crowded public place??

Last I already protest to their official web demanding for equality at their public oral sex: demanding cunnilingus by male at crowded public too, or both prohibited. I hope you reader do me favor by protesting the same too. Here’s the link (& my protest):





You can copy what I wrote & send to them above

If anyone of you know the personal official account of any of this sexist adult video member (include Mari Aikawa), tell me here so I can “protest” them too for raising awareness/ you who have same passion with me can send them “protest” too by yourself.

Before I forgot “O How do you know Japanese has double standard when it come to nudity?” one of prove is from famous vlogger of Canadian who now live in Japan, his video told us that ‘male nudity far more acceptable at public family place’. More easy to be count as legal too in my observation, while men can only allowed to see female pure form as “porn” context (that’s why most female pure form only happen by porn web in Japan).

Nudity in Japan - YouTube.mkv_000007875

Nudity in Japan - YouTube.mkv_000069469

They discuss on ‘only female staff allowed to enter male public bathroom on their seperated privacy public bathroom’

Nudity in Japan - YouTube.mkv_000125959

Male urinoir can be seen from outside even at bad angle, while female toilet like bunker as usual.

See this pic one more time:


Do you think this is like ‘genital inequality at U.s movie’? were it look like already fair but actually not- still more “objectified” male genital (In U.s movie because vagina are covered by merkins while penis shown even an erection + breast does not equal with male genital, penis=Vagina. In here case blowjob aka ‘the most frontal objectification of penis by female senses’ can happen even at crowded public place yet the reverse – cunni by male at public – only at Non crowded place)

Share if you agree, and demand equality at Asia especially Japan!

Add: about my reverseoblationrun girl stories, yes there’s a cunni look alike at that scene, but I know there’s a male version too of this which also have blowjob look alike scene, and it’s in film (which more fair + not real oral sex) but what I talk about is at ‘crowded public place’ which still have unfairness when it come to real public bj vs cunni (in Japan).