Philippines Hypocrisy !!!

Satire oblation run hypocrisy for pressure them [26-11-2018]:

Announcement for bar girl & owner in Philippines [8-10-2018]:

Mirror Article Male Complaining University of Philippines Hypocrisy! [18 September 2016]

*This article is made by a guy who realize the double standard at oblation run, I don’t owned this article but this speak my mind enough

José Jiménez Aranda

The boys of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity at the University of the Philippines staged their annual guys-get-naked-for-the-delight-of-the-ladies-fest last week, the iconic Oblation Run, as hordes of shrieking, hollering, blushing college women, their cameras and cell phones carefully aimed at their subjects’ groins, cheered on a parade of bouncing penes and scrota attached to owners whose only clothing covered their faces. The raison d’etre for the yearly cavalcade of guy flesh is male-for-female exhibitionism.

It is a spectacle one female blogger called “interesting for most women.”  Another young lady was more blunt: “the whole male anatomy de-mystified. :)) I never thought that their organs actually bounced, you know?”

Another young woman said this: “We were practically spazzing out as we talked about it.”  Another exclaimed: “I was totally BLOWN THE [crude term for intercourse] AWAY.  Honestly, I don’t remember anything anymore. I kinda looked at their chests and their backs. . . . .I meet a tall guy I look at his chest and his face. (hair actually) I can only remember ‘it’ vaguely. Whatever. I was just riding on adrenaline. I love the fact that everyone was screaming and tossing about.”

Still another woman praised her (female) prof for letting her class go watch: “Just when I have finally accepted the depressing fact that I would miss the Oblation run this year, enter my professor (BLESS HER!) who generously gave us the time to witness the thrill of the streaking =p”

What, pray tell, would happen to a male professor who specifically let his class out early to witness naked college girl runners? I shudder for any man who would even allow that passing thought. But a male professor is unlikely ever to have that choice. The fact is, a female-only Oblation Run would be inconceivable in the Philippines, or for that matter, in Philadelphia, or anywhere else.  The event, as presently constituted, is mildly naughty when the guys shed their clothes; but it would be wholly offensive and politically incorrect in the extreme if the genders were reversed — even though, it is fair to speculate, the reaction of a hetero male crowd wouldn’t be anywhere near as spastic, over-the-top, or downright excited as the reaction of the female spectators.
It is well to note that if any of these boys ran around outside in their birthday suits at any other time of the year, more than a few of these shrieking, empowered young women likely would be sufficiently “offended” that they would call the police.  But the nudity is just fine in the context of the Oblation Run because the boys are naked for the express purpose of titillating, and being ogled by, the women.

And that’s really the point. You see, dear readers, it is OK for women to objectify men. Attending a bachelor party with a stripper is disgusting and depraved; attending a bachelorette party with a stripper and a raunchy cake depicting an ejaculating penis is empowering and a fun girls’ night out.  Feminists dismiss any suggestion of a double standard because “oogling involves an exchange of power; usually the oogler gains it and the oogled loses it. But many other activities and day-to-day experiences also involve exchanges of power, and in those exchanges, men are more likely to come out on top. If power was distributed equally in other situations, perhaps women should refrain from oogling. But it isn’t, and women are still in the red on the balance sheet of power. Until we’re in the black, I think it’s probably OK to objectify men, in certain circumstances . . . .” Therefore, “when you find yourself drooling over beautiful men, make the best of it.”  See here, too.

Get it? Objectification is wrong, but since they have more advantages than we do, it’s OK when we objectify.

So much for silly things like principles, honesty, and integrity.  If you want young women and men to buy into the notion that objectification, as a practice, is “wrong,” you do a damn pathetic job of selling that point when your actions send the exact opposite message.  That’s called rationalization, ladies, and it smells a lot like the most ham-handed hypocrisy.  When you try to have it both ways, is it any wonder nobody’s buying it?


Philippines Double Standard Over Minimum Requirement Of Public Clothing, and Female Can’t Own Their Body To Nude In Non Sexual Context At Public Yet Society Allow Female Nudity For Sell [29 May 2016]

First Double Standards

Pictures below is at public bar Lapu-Lapu, shows the minimum requirement at bar to open for general public, it is prohibited at public bar to held a show of fully frontal naked women. Yet they allow male full frontal nudity to even happen at public U-n-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y, an outdoor public legal institution.

Ror Club Mermaid Lapu Lapu Cebu

Ror Spectators take photos AlphaPhiOmega fratern 29516

So It’s “okay” for public spectator to look and take photo of male full frontal nudity, at legal institution? yet the reverse situation is “unacceptable” by mainstream society even at public bar?

Second Double Standards

There’s some wealth people (mostly foreigner) make a private group, pay for it, so that they can see Filipinas women’s nudity, yet prohibited Filipinas women to own their bodies for nudity in non sexual context at public.

Only wealth people which dominated by foreigner can see female nudity (off course they didn’t see it as art), yet prohibited local people to look at female nudity in non sexual context at public (said like female version of oblation run-which more positive).

I point out the double standard of our society, maybe my reader (male or female) have their own view how this double standard is unfair. I’m open to how this is unfair either from male side and female side, I wish in future either men and women can streak naked equally at Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity, male & female can see their opposite gender naked equally at public in non sexual context, or both prohibited. Below is one example of private club, by the way I only censored the bottom of male & female because I personally believe in topless equality (which compared male topless with female topless, and female full nudity with male full nudity, or compared genitalia with genitalia).

Ror Angeles City Philippines 29516

Philippines Make a Big Deal Over Female Student in Bikini Photos [28 November 2015]

Philippines make big deal over female student in bikini photos (not frontal naked) and not at public

Okey i have seen Philippines easily loose their shit and take it seriously (basically make a big deal) if it is a women in bikini (not even frontal naked) and not even at legal institution place, like one of example above (a girl posting on her Fb wearing bikini). Yes in above case some people still support this girl in court, but if mainstream society can easily outrage and take action over female that posting photos in her own facebook account wearing bikini-which still covered their vital parts, so why society less outrage and even legalize a more worse case : A-bunch-of-male-only-full-frontal-naked-at-public-street-institution? A hypocrisy i see.

So it is “offensive” for guy seeing women in bikini (which not full naked) even just at Fb? (which is why they make it a big deal, even this case goes to court) whereas they are more okey if a girl can easily see bunch of men full frontal naked-exposed genitalia at public street during oblation run & legal? even okey to laugh and photos a naked male? even if she post it on facebook and instagram?-which is happening

Girl posting herself in bikini, society loose their mind

Girl posting her numerous male friends full naked on instagram / Fb, and same society act like it is a normal day that offend nobody and even laugh

come on! so illogical!

#oblationrun #oblationrun2013 #oblationrun2014 #oblationrun2015 #oblationrun2016 #oblationrun2017 #alphaphiomega

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