oblation run 2018

Reverseoblationrun on Alpha Phi Omega 97th Anniversary Profile, 7 April 2024

We are 1 step nearer to achieve equality in Oblationrun, Guess which 1 is Original? Support our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reverseorg


Satire Oblation (Pylon) Run – The one that Vacuum in my post for a while, when it should be the Main topic, 11 April 2023

As a blog for satiring sexist unfair ‘cfnm’ (objectification of young men student) oblation run – For year I have vacuum discuss it as a main topic, when I should make it as Main topic often. Here my 2 main memes satire oblation run with evidence, I post it on my reverseoblationrun instagram before went outside city by plane month ago (I just be careful incase something happen= this post exist on my instagram), so Now I present for you, feel free to share,& give credit to my name. This also prove if I post female form= It a representation of protest (not “Hypocrite”, nor “Perv” like hater love to potrait)

As you can see my evidence above,& below that it True there’s a Hypocrisy that Asian Feminine (Modesty) type of Feminist,& it “macho hero” dude, influencer, media, Unicef/ United Nation, and Religious Bigot Apply, I wait for this “Big organisation of gender equality” to speak up which they never does, then seeing them grieve everytime it about tanktop/ bikini issues, then on other day if it young male student frontal naked fest at public institution= relax, laugh, even justify it again..

Yet if we called them out (their hypocrisy) = They’ll (ignorantly) use “whataboutism”, or “Howaboutism” tactic, instead to admit their blatant ‘clear cut’ hypocrisy, and make improvement = “They denial by said they care for both,& no hypocrisy exist here: then blame,& Frame me as somehow I’m not asking equality for men, but just ‘hater’ try to silence female voice (so it frame female victim again, and men as the bad one again), told me to shut up if female victim speak (problem is always female time to speak), told me to just make my own video then they will somehow help” (which they never do, if I tweet, I Rt alone, and even some of them come to my post to mock me), see? after silencing us, they continue their double standard as usual

Bonus a bit, no, it not hypocrite since: 1) this from other country- which have male nudity too. 2) this not held by institution (like oblation run does). 3) It safe, and proven it possible (so to people who falsely accused me as ‘woke’ then said 1/2 naked topless female is impossible, here for you- a bunch of full naked female protest at street, and it Do safe – except if people like you ie religious bigot try to disturb in order to prove your point, lol), And also I need to explain some other point – but it too long, and I know hater will use another bias reasoning trying to debunk me, anyway it for next other post, so I leave it here.

If you pissed, and upset prude feminist because of me censored the pic of naked men, while not censored female nude protest pic which to be remember this is just individual mini blog, then how about me who must anxiety face ‘ton of naked young men student fest’ at public here? which worse held by institution (while at same time witnessing same institution will outcry if it ‘1 female college student in (non nude) bikini at her own indoor room selfie’). Beside in my meme since I saw the comparison is ‘bikini’ vs ‘naked men’ so I censored the men genital, and not knowing I’ll post this ladies protest pic today.

Reverse Oblation (/ Pylon) run do Possible- a message to Philippines, 3 February 2022

To alpha phi omega member, university of philippines, hypocrite modesty type of southeast asian feminist & it’s “superhero” dude, religious bigot at Phi- who one side (ly) claim “female semi nudity impossible as fest, not tolerated as culture, and sexism to women too” (when they alone relax & enjoy Cfnm/ male frontal nu dity here, even the undrage boy one, and defend it in the name of “tradition”): here photos from other country that female form in non/ less s xual context do possible, and safe.

Ps: No this female nudity pic below doesn’t sexist to women since the ladies decide by her own consent, she already adult, she did it in non/ less s xual context & proven safe, in society were female form normalize = men can accustomed by it, and if men see it so what? he know the right context, he – since that society normalize female form – not “obsessed crazily” like guy who live at mid east, so yes we men do able to control himself, yes men can still attracted but now it called ‘admiring’, and if it must be a “crime” it same level of crime just like when ‘female bystander can see bunch of frontal na ked male student, or even an undrage pu ber boy nu dity at street’ – the misandry culture that you alone defend it Phi, stop being hypocrite, more: this photos from other country showing men & women naked equally, it’s at Phi who objectified only male na ked student, and mi nor boy nu dity at street.

Feligreses acuden a la Iglesia de San Hipólito a conmemorar a San Judas Tadeo, Un asistente de la iglesia procede a recoger el diezmo en la vía pública donde se congregan asistentes a la celebración católica.

Countering a common excused “See? a new assault case, men will always be men (s x offend*r), therefore segregated all, and censor female bodies strictly”, 5 september 2021

I’m late to celebrate gotopless 2021, or topless equality in this August since busy, anxiety problem, and I just pet a dog tho!

Anyway let me ‘celebrate it’ by countering a ‘right’/ conservative/ prudish type of feminist/ religious bigot who said “social construct is stupid, men will always be a men (read ‘s x offender’), therefore we need to segregate all, and banned topless ladies etc etc”: Now my respond is ‘yes case of assault towards women difficult to extinct, but that doesn’t mean topless equality with male friends, or other similar pattern of it somehow “shouldn’t happen at all”, biased (I know they will use it on their campaign everytime there’s a moment of ‘assault’ case from men to women happened).

  1. Be out of box: Haters often excused “Yeah topless at street & got assault, because men are always be a men, social construct they said, it’s really difficult to understand only women should cover?”- but this is biased when we support topless equality= no one told female to topless alone at danger street in midnight, what we mean by this is if at art museum/ movie were it crowd & safe, it’s okay for body confidence female to topless in non/ less sexual context, and men can accustomed by it [yes, social construct do can happened ;)]. Imagine if we listen to mideast mentality who said ‘bikini at pool is impossible, male couldn’t control himself’ which people at ‘mideast’ perceived it “make sense”, then we will never realize how at Bali bikini is very normal (the same goes to topless equality i.e I think it impossible till I realize at France fashion show/ Germany snow sliding competition: topless female at public is no big deal. By the way men exposed his chest equally too already- before hater twist me as “hypocrite”, they’re the one who hypocrite because allowed “objectification of topless men” at their society while using bra top female issues for play “objectification” card & banned it, we more fair by either censored men nipple too, or free the nipple. by the way again: penis= VAGINA).
  2. We advice ‘right’/ modesty type of asian feminist/ religious bigot/ media or anyone who “obsessed with female modesty” not to join our celebration, why? because either ‘the conservative guy will try to disturb the ladies just trying to prove “his point”, or the Southeast asian modesty type of ‘hypocrite’ feminist will search anything that they can use to twist it as somehow “harassment” already happened, and inject fear to our mind (‘We are victim by perv evil men’ like that rite prudish feminist?  for your own agenda). Modesty type of feminist truly hate body confidence female who they subjectively perceived “degrade/ objectified her own gender” (while being hypocrite by – in my long observation – always relax/ even defending if it’s male who “objectified” his bodies whether “only men topless/ only men in speedo/ even support men only naked fest at institution, or legal scene “O men must be taboo to see female semi nudity at scene, while female audience okay to see naked men at comedy scene, yes it is equal already, men women should be different haha”… but if men & women topless equally, seen each other top equally= somehow “unfair to women, equality is a must”, see? (what kind of equality prudish type of female? told men to full naked when you not even half naked? come on)
  3. What I said is based on my observation since kid, so not just “assumption” like my hater love to portrait. Some evidence of what I said do already exist whether at this blog/ my other blog/ my insta memes/ my vlog*

Oblation Run 2020: The Great Oblation Run, Run for the Future- A Call for Climate Action (Palma hall by Alpha Phi Omega), 21 February 2020

Today that “Objectification of Male Frontal Nudity” Oblation run will be held again at f*cking legal institution (University of Philippines) in prudish Southeast Asia country (the region were modesty feminist, politician, & the education system often busy lecturing us men about “stop objectification of female in bikini”). Here’s the best link of me protesting oblation run: https://reverseoblationrun.wordpress.com/2018/11/26/oblation-run-2018-2019-still-sucks-always-tons-of-male-nudity-that-been-objectified-frontally-at-public-even-held-by-asia-institution-every-fucking-year-from-1970s-before-femi/ and this too: https://reverseoblationrun.wordpress.com/here-is-the-start-demand-true-equality-in-oblation-run-my-vision/

By the way I want to show you an email from a guy (let call him “J”) who also frustrated by unfairness of oblation run .. but we all are just ‘minority of minority’ (nobody care even if already bunch of young male been objectified frontally naked at legal institution in prudish Southeast Asia, but yes everybody – especially hejabi & modesty feminist – care about “objectification of female in Bikini at beach in the West” soooo much, till they make awareness on internet “how bikini & cleavage of [clothed] female in West must be objectification” even Global campaign to have burqini- to softly get rid bikini at pool [but not men speedo], right mainstream who support it? “O how crime it’s female shown in bikini, right!?” … or when that religious fanatic & authority condemn tiny bikini at beach on Boracay “O we don’t care if she wear it by herself, innap! you must follow the policy, world are near the end because of cancer name body confidence feminist, forced her to cover now so society learn!”). Okay aside from my satire a while, let read/ look what “J”‘s point of view on this sexist oblation run / pylon run towards male, below:

“Anyway, thanks for all the work you do about the Oblation Run. It still angers me, the double standards and hypocrisy of the feminist movement. As I’ve said before if this situation were reversed, there would be a public outcry and I can assure you every feminist in North America would be taking to the TV or their websites and organizing public campaigns to force the government here to protest to the Philippines government to intervene and stop this public abuse and humiliation of women by men – and these are exactly the same people who object to first world countries dictating their standards of social behaviour to the developing world! Yet when it comes to the feminist agenda, interfering in foreign countries is considered not merely acceptable but actually necessary!! The hypocrisy and double-standards of the west are there for everyone with an open and honest mind to see.  

Look at this….

7 December 2019 - A

10 February 2020 - A

16 July 2019

Can you imagine if a middle aged man at an event where teenage females were obliged to expose themselves in public quite openly took pictures – and even more, it appears that she is directing them to pose!! She can go home happy that she has good quality photos that show in detail the most private parts of these poor guy’s anatomy. She is wearing one of the of the fraternity’s t-shirts too, perhaps she is an “organizer” for the Oblation Run. Again what would happen if a load of guys joined a women’s social club and organized the younger female members into exposing themselves in public?  I can promise you that in the west, there would certainly be a police investigation and they would probably get arrested. Reverse the situation and it is perfectly fine! In fact, they would praise her and say she is working for equal rights!!  I get really angry, thinking of this female (who like oblation run) can relaxing at home, going through all the pictures naked bodies of these young college men. This is complete domination, we can do nothing to stop her. But of course the feminists consider her a “victim” and in need of more rights and power!!!!

This looks like it may be one of the pictures she took…

7 December 2019 - A2

Which very easy to be zoom

In your message and posts before you mentioned that private parts are not analogous (penis does not equal breast). This is very true and I have touched on the subject before. A man’s penis equals a woman’s vagina and so the equivalent for a female Oblation Run would actually be an event where the the female’s vagina is on show. Which of course does not happen, for example if a woman is in a standing position and especially if she has not shaved her pubes then her genitals are not visible. Yes, she like the males is naked and vulnerable, but for the man it is to a different degree. As the woman’s vagina is not actually on show yet at the Oblation Run the penis and balls can be seen by all the spectators. Also the head of the penis in males equals the clitoris in women. If there were naked woman at a protest, would the clitoris be visible? Of course not. Yet because this event takes place in the Philippines and all the participants are circumcised, the head of each boy’s penis can be seen by everyone – this is the most private part of his body, but here it is on public exhibition with hundreds of women and girls. Can you seriously tell me you could expect a similar event taking place for girls? Female University students being organized by men into an event where they have to strip naked and display their clitoris in public as almost thousands of men at University? 

Which reminds me, as the photographic quality of even basic phones improves over time, the clarity of the pictures has reached the point where every detail is visible and can be instantly posted online for the whole world to see.

Even the fact that this guy has had a Philippine style circumcision can be seen and discussed by his fellow students, acquaintances, total strangers who attended this event and now women all over the world

His residual foreskin is clearly visible and can be commented upon by all who present…

And at online (as this picture that I easily found was) so anybody everywhere can discuss his circumcision. Comparing the Philippine style where some foreskin is left hanging on the underside of the penis, as different to the western style where all the skin covereign the head of the penis is completely removed. 

Though this would be the equivalent of a woman with her legs spread wide open, her clitoris on full view is shown to everyone and anyone, those present and online viewers…..this would never happen on Southeast Asia university on the first place (even just bra top already problematic if at Asia public univ.. let alone half naked, I mean naked female)

yet we are told that women need more rights? Where are the rights for male who disagree to complain? And yet the whole Oblation Run is a public spectacle and  a cause for laughter and humour at the expense of males who, we are regularly assured by the mass media, are making women their victims!! 

27 November 2019

Enjoying yourself? If these gender roles were reversed, you would be described as a pervert, every feminist would hate you and maybe even the police would be investigating. But you just showed up for the political protest (!) Yeah of course you did.   

Anyway, that’s all for now.

All the best,


*Anyway before you all modesty feminist give excused, I’m sorry all of your excused already been debunk at the 1st link I gave above.. or here again: https://reverseoblationrun.wordpress.com/2018/11/26/oblation-run-2018-2019-still-sucks-always-tons-of-male-nudity-that-been-objectified-frontally-at-public-even-held-by-asia-institution-every-fucking-year-from-1970s-before-femi/

**If you are a guy (or even a body confidence girl) who been sick & tired by this oblation run (pylon run) unfairness & hypocrisy: Contact me now & we can be a tag team!



Tracy Brabin Mp – Mainstream lose mind over shoulder? 5 February 2020

You know why I’m seem ‘passionate’ (a.k.a obsessed) mentioning (complain) double standard of ‘why always male form that been “objectified” more frontally/ more fam rating at public- yet the reverse often big deal’? because beside this double standard itself is unfair (to male modesty), I often observed since kid for example: if at formal place there’s a female who dress bit reveal a skin (remember she still f*cking clothes- top & bottom + wear double layer- bra & undie) this mainstream (mostly exhibitionist guy, modesty type of feminist, hejabi feminist, religious guy, and Pc cult media) become very ‘rigid’ like a robot “Omg a clothed female (just) show bit of skin – the girl show her shoulder (not even yet a – non big deal – stomach, okay!? just shoulder), O why men covered his shoulder!? we must forced equality!” something like that right (like this pic below the newest example: Tracy Brabin case, *also remember this is at Liberal – far less prudish – West country).




Yet when the sexes were reverse for i.e a male who change clothes (topless) inside parliament building, or an important person in my country (men) wear just short at legal interview (*in Prudish religious country)- this kind of mainstream suddenly become ‘flexible’ “For f*ck sake, you complain if he just topless for a while inside building? he’s not even naked!”, or “Mind ur own business, you couldn’t forced if he want to wear short, or not, it’s his rights! learn! get deal! hahaha”


You see? other worse example – they sensitive everytime it’s a female who *bit* more reveal, but they don’t angry if at *public legal sport* only the men & teen boy who been exposed wear undie only (yet the female one full clothes- contrast) like Sumo “Haha, be flexible it must be count as cult, except if it’s female who more reveal- it definitely not a cult, or a cult that need to be change, haha”.

SUMO 1 sexualizing boy

Now, I know some of you said “parliament and public legal sport is different, morons!”, but just imagine if at sumo- it’s the female who wear mawashi/ fundoshi only, while Tracy Brabin is a men= suddenly “well he show shoulder, so what? the female who been exposed at legal sport is the 1 we must care! why only happen to female blabla”, right, hypocrite? you based by gender, sexist but doesn’t even realize it.

So feminine (modesty type of) feminist can shame men for seeing just bit of female skin- make us men feel guilty, then she play “objectification” victim card af, while they alone feel free to admire men form (/ at least like laugh at man boobs/ at least can see men form without need to feel taboo), and I as men couldn’t said ‘men got objectified too’ for every exact same situation that make feminist outrage if it happen to female? off course the stats of female “objectification” inflate since every bit of skin= “Objectification!”.

O yeah even at *legal formal institution* in Prudish Religious Southeast Asia- a bunch of young men can even objectified himself frontally naked at street public university- let alone just a guy changing shirt at parliament, or an important person (men) wear short for tv interview.




Here below just a pic gift from me to hypocrite feminine (modesty type of) feminism, religious bigot, media, and the rest of hypocrite mainstream.. a photos of female form in non sexual context *at indoor, non legal, non crowded place*- so yes I’m not hypocrite.

Naked Open Private censored

Bonus male chest= breast, while penis=VAGINA


‘Free The Penis’ biased since no ‘Free The Vagina’ in the first place, 26 October 2019

Hello, and welcome to my blog! So here me responding to ‘freethepenis’ group propaganda. This Freethepenis dude article (which I will not mention his link here) he basically claim *something sound* like this “penis should be exposed at public, because male nudity taboo (than the reverse- he claim) so he want to stop the prejudice” & then he comparing ‘male often wear boxer vs female wear lingerie’ so somehow suddenly “it’s okay to exposed penis at public” – this is a biased, I mean you look like pretending male wear tight speedo at public never exist, how about sumo? Male sumo wear something revealing similar like lingerie at f*cking legal sport (were the female sumo not even wear boxer- yet a full clothed)! Why you (freethepenis group) not whining this?

So can I said “Ah because female audience can see male sumo with undie so it’s make sense for female to exposed her vagina, nudity equality dude! Equality ladies” (Also some male do wear tight speedo include at yourcountry- if you want more apple to apple comparison).

Second thing is he claim “Ah you see female can wear the mini-est thing to cover her nipple”, hey dude, you alone even can exposed your male nipple all the time publicly to begin with (while female still need to covered her) = so it’s female who actually have higher strict standard to cover, it’s female who more easily get shame/ prejudice for exposing her nipple (not male, you d*mb!), How if I use your biased mindset & I said the exact reverse situation “Oh female can see male topless, yet male couldn’t see vagina (& bonus her buttcrack too), how unjust it’s!”-  you see your biased?

Again! How many time I must explaining to this ‘deaf’ people that breast is Not the same with penis, breast is non genital upper part (which have same anatomy ‘breast tissues’ & ‘nipple’ with male chest) while penis is genital/ primary reproduction located at bottom same with Vagina (genital too, primary reproduction too). Think! If we can see ‘each other upper part of opposite sexes equally’ this mainstream angry- off course they’ll more mad if ‘guy can see vagina (bonus her buttcrack) while female can only see male topless, right? But if reverse ‘a female can see male penis- bigger genital (bonus his buttcrack) yet male must feel guilty for seeing vagina- smaller genital’ Suddenly this f*cking mainstream “ok”, what a hypocrite prat!

You know what? Female free the nipple because men already can free the nipple (were female eye feel free to admire it all the time) so you can’t said “why female can free their? So we must free our more!”- it’s like comparing “Oh because you just get 1 taco, when I’m already eat my taco, so I must get another taco so 2 taco”.

Yeah you hypocrite modesty feminist & exhibitionist guy, you are an ally of hypocriteness.


He then use ‘masculinity’ to somehow justify this ‘freethepenis’, look if masculinity is about “don’t insult male just because he is a male” it’s okay but don’t mix it up with nudity especially when female alone actually do have higher standard in dresscode than men (it’s a male who must cover his hair, his cleavage, his little bit of skin at swimming pool? No it burqa girl). Same with social media- they do censored more female form than you.

So give me like, share this article, and subscribe me, see you later, and keep FREETHEVULVA ! O happy Halloween too by the way!


My Love to Latin & Europe for ‘Free The Vulva’, 3 may 2019

I thanks to Latin & Europe since when having nude fest, or nudity at movie- they show female form too (not like nude fest at Asia/ Southasia, or U.s/ U.k movie who only ‘objectified’ Male nudity only – in far more frontal way, yet somehow must more protect female modesty). Asia, Southasia, U.s/ U.k movie should learn from Latin & Europe in Free the nipple & Free The VAGINA.

By the way this Latin fest already fair: show both sexes nudity.

Stay away from Sex Negative Feminism & Religious Bigot since they love to normalize “Objectification only worse & crime if happen to female” mentality, they love to normalize objectification of male bodies only.

Uzyna Uzona Cripus 17717 (4)

Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (3)

Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (6)

Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (8)

Ensaiando "Macumba Antropofágica"

My Love to Latin & Europe for ‘Free The Vulva’, 3 may 2019

*Accidentally I post this article twice so 1 I left original, and in here I change the pic

I thanks to Latin & Europe since when having nude fest, or nudity at movie- they show female form too (not like nude fest at Asia/ Southasia, or U.s/ U.k movie who only ‘objectified’ Male nudity only – in far more frontal way, yet somehow must more protect female modesty). Asia, Southasia, U.s/ U.k movie should learn from Latin & Europe in Free the nipple & Free The VAGINA.

By the way this Latin fest already fair: show both sexes nudity.

Stay away from Sex Negative Feminism & Religious Bigot since they love to normalize “Objectification only worse & crime if happen to female” mentality, they love to normalize objectification of male bodies only.





Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (7)

Uzyna Uzona Omachado 17717 (5)

Photos of Asian (Japanese/ China/ Taiwanese/ Hong Kong/ ShangHai) female nudist in non sexual context, 25 April 2019

I post this picture since my new article not yet finish, and take time before posting it.

Ah by the way to Asian sex negative feminist if you get mad at this – which just an individual person did it – pic (which happen not at crowded place, and non legal), then get mad too at the reverse situation that exist even more worse like ‘bunch of male been objectified almost naked at Crowded Public fest, even held by Legal Entertainment Organization’ (i.e male naked dance), or even ‘bunch of Male been Objectified Full Frontal Naked at Crowded Public fest, even held by Legal Education Institution’ (i.e oblationrun).

So I use a photos were the female naked in non legal situation & non public (which already fair since numerous of male exhibitionist often did the same too) while what I protest is unfairness of ‘why only male form that can be objectified more frontally & Legally at Public Family Rating Fest’. So I’m not hypocrite- Don’t Twisted it religious bigot, legal media, and sex negative hypocrite feminist!


