
Support My Magdangal Project’s Patreon, 20 December 2022

I have make a Main explanation why I decide to make my own ‘Cmnf world’ (Here’s the link I’ll not repeat it again: ).

I need to make 2nd extra explanation so that people who decide to become my patron do not have miscommunication with me:

If we want to pressure unfair cfnm ‘objectification of male student’ oblation run by making them ‘protect male student modesty too’ a.k.a banned it- for me can be done by either the power of masses, or power of an elite/ influencer who speak up, and pressure sexist ‘misandry’ Alpha Phi Omega, University of Philippines, but til my 9s year I couldn’t gain enough ‘harakiri soldier’, I only can got little bit of person who agree with me- but passive, or want a change but to fear to fight it.

Now I’m alone, so the other effective way is by ‘Cmnf art satire photography’ to satire oblation/ pylon run.

I’m average in financial, I do have try to give effort, time, mental, and money for all of this (don’t worry I never want to have expensive model, because it would ruin our cause. But atleast a little for appreciation of my model, and my model do ‘not a gold digger’ type of ladies).

Since I couldn’t kept spent my family money all the time for this model, but at same time I need my model to keep productive satire, and pressure oblationrun. Oblationrun would be hard to pressure if we speak, or satire once in a blue moon, therefore art satire photography is very important to gain attention,& make their sexist way not smooth.

So I decide a patreon, the patreon is one way of people who want equality at University of Philippines to support me (you can support me by be team with me too!)

Note til now I still have difficulty to maintain my model keep work for me, since she want work with me but at same time she need main job for her to live too, and she been busy- but off course the more I get patron= the more I try to contact her for our ‘art work’ which then this can pressure Apo, and gain more supporter to our side.

I make membership too, were 1st membership would make you able to see a rare photos, and 2nd membership would allow you to see ‘short vid scene’ which I not yet make it, but next meeting with my model I will make it.

Also the more patron, the more I can motivate, and Here! even gain new model who more brave to ambush oblation run.

So my Hardcore Loyal fanatic follower- who want Equality at oblationrun help me either be my patron, or share the link:

Or if not join with me to create a masses of people, or atleast a group to work together challenge Apo, and U.P