up maroon

Countering “Daddyshark” (the Sex Negative Feminist Girl) Hypocrisy: Promote “Female Modesty” when trying to claim “Male Expose His Body” is “Okay” (Denying Male Form Do get Objectified, Female Do can Attracted to Male Body), 28 July 2019

So as an introduction, there’s some place in Southeast Asia which I notice started changing to have unfair contrast standard in dress code at pool & legal Tv Censorship (In past, either at pool/ legal tv swim scene – male & female wear normal suits, and okay for both sexes to see their opposite sexes wearing swimsuit at that time, female at that time not angry guy seeing her in 2 pieces swimming – because it Do f*cking normal (plus: female alone can see male wear undie, right, so fair enough already). Now – thanks to hypocrite sex negative feminism & religious bigot – this new generation have different mindset, the most common thing if you enter the swimming area is ‘male wear short/ undie, while almost all female either wear modest full covered swimsuit/ even burqini, the female will more easily offended if ‘guy can see female wear 2 pieces at pool’).

This doesn’t mean “I’m pervert who want to see female” (why the fuck I must keep explaining this every time brought this issues? you guess), nor “I’m forcing female who want to be modest to expose herself”- No, I’ll not forced shy girl (although as I already explain above that new generation girl change their mindset after propaganda of modesty feminism & religion which mean ‘biased/ not valid’). I think the unfairness started happen to men side too i.e ‘male will easily derided as “objectifying female” + men must feel guilty just because seeing her wear normal suit at f*cking swimming pool, when girl alone can see/ liberated seeing topless guy with swimming short, or even admire hot topless guy’ basically female not curious anymore about her opposite sexes form since male body less taboo (worse we must still hear ‘sex negative feminist’ & religious bigot telling the opposite narrative that “only happen to female”- like male are always wear tuxedo all the time at pool/ tv scene).

Sometime anxious me to think: in this society ‘guy can get shame/ even prohibited to see fucking hair of some clothed female who already covered in double layer (her top & bottom area) at fucking pool’ (burqini), yet the girl not only can see men hair, not only see men crop top, even can see men topless at place outside than swimming pool’- it seem contrast to me (or guy just see stomach of female who at fucking pool is still easy to be count as “objectification” at this Muslim area- let alone her top bra – which actually still covered her nip right? – but hei female can see male nip even outside pool, not fair! you see the “contrast-ness”?)

Now this is how the debate begin, when I’m bit moody because of this, so I try to raise awareness by commenting/ satiring at 2/3 instagram photos who show ‘contrast dresscode’ at pool. Suddenly a female (sex negative feminist I guess) with her group of friend started to reply back to me, then I realize this group who attack me is a ‘teen’ (I don’t know at first since I’m not good differentiating it), realizing they are teen- actually I just want to stop the conversation, but then this girl (let’s called it “daddyshark”) started give biased point that annoy me (since I’m sensitive in this issues), so I think it’s okay if I give back some of my counter point since at that time I thought “nothing wrong to exchange point, to express ourselves even with teen”, so then the “exchange point” happen, and it escalated into debate for 5 days. Me (alone as usual) vs her (with bunch of her feminist girl + some guy).

What really annoy me is:

1.Her hypocrisy trying to encourage female modesty (counting it “objectification” if male see female in suit at f*cking pool), yet at the same time said to me several time (something sound) “just because female can see male topless, DOESN’T MEAN OBJECTIFICATION, get It!?” (you’ll see she shown her hypocrite double standard several time).

2.She accuse me several time & play victim because I said like “men can control himself, even seeing a topless female example at Europe”/ “If 2 piece of suit being normalize again here, guy can see female in 2 piece of suit (bikini/ 2 piece that more modest than bikini), and able to still respect her, also nothing wrong with that, girl can also see us topless”, she then falsely accused me as “trying to forced all female to topless/ bikini”, even if I several time try to clarify it’s wrong (even in 1 of her reply, she passionately play professional victim card- she text something sound like this “So why we can’t be modest if we want!? why we female must exposing ourselves”- when I already clarify her again & again that I do not mean to said like what she claim/ accused to me, piss off!)

3.Worse she alone said “how if female see your penis?”, then I said that she alone said like that, and she easily reply “nobody said want to see penis”, okay she hoping me to understand her clarification, yet alone don’t want to hear my clarification, and keep play victim, and keep falsely accused me.

4.Biased by comparing penis (male genital) with (non genital) breast. Penis= Vagina, both genital, both primary reproduction, for peeing, between your legs, infront our asses, breast are secondary reproduction just like adam apple’s neck. Imagine if reverse I said “If female want to see male topless, how about guy seeing your vagina (bonus her buttcrack) for equality”- you also don’t want when I said like this right? so same it goes both way. Also not funny that the bigger genital penis is not taboo to be ‘objectified’ when the smaller genital vagina is super taboo. She even said “how if female see your penis” just because I said it’s still normal for guy if see bikini at beach/ pool, she make stupid comparison again.

Yes the debate is over about 1-2 years ago, but now my instagram account is banned (over football copyright*), and only left her argument when debate with me on her ig. So I don’t want this happen you know, so I decide to post my defend here for people to see, I don’t want this girl play victim keep telling lie story here & there to inflate ‘female “get harass” at social media’ statistic.

Here screenshot of ‘H’ a.k.a Me vs ‘daddyshark’ a.k.a her on left, with some addition explanation of me at ‘my argument’ on the right, no caption needed since the explanation beside is clear enough. By the way I blur the name of place we live in since not ready for reader to know where I am now*.

1.a Bra 2 cover nip p equal V

1.b Hypocrite objectification

2. a Stereotype topless equality

3. Evidence female do captivated

4. Equality means bla2

5. me GV BACKUP now


7. me clarify2 explain te not same




11. Me best penis equal to VAGINA


13. a Me Best penis equal VAGINA

13. b she alone clarify yet deny



16. Me good satire her word back

17. cont on 16


Debunking Dr. Keon West on ‘boy can be naked since no one care’ (child porn?), 16 June 2019

This is just random article, I’m in progress to made article about my debate with hypocrite sex negative feminism (the one who play ‘objectification victim card’ + accuse men as ‘pervert’ over female partial  form that can seen by men, yet also the same girl who said ‘male form – even if display more frontal & seen by female eyes at public/ tv must be “perfectly okay”), since I’m still in the progress finishing that article – which do take a long time (I.e take courage to fight my anxiety before decide to make that article; screenshot our debate; to editing: censor her name, choosing which of her argument is nonsense/ hypocrite & should be debunk, crop the important writting, to make a plan how I’ll explain it in effective detail way, process of making the meme, and not forgot I been busy with other thing + have eyes problem), so here I post this random article first since if wait for that article, my blog will vacuum from updating.

I just hear podcast of ms. Victoria Bateman at “fact or bull****” radio by Dr. Keon West & Natasha, while I do enjoy Ms. Victoria Bateman explaining about double standard in body censorship, why we should not judge female intellectual based by whether she modest, or not (I agree with Ms. Bateman although she speak from her ‘body confidence female’ perspective & my ‘anatomy equality’ campaign is from male perspective i.e ‘why always male nudity that can be display frontally if at legal place/ media’, in the end of the day our both goal is same: anatomy equality, or for me at least care male modesty too).

I just disturbed by Keon West I guess on their podcast with ms. Bateman which start at 33.50, he basically said something sound like: he really care his daughter modesty, and completely don’t give a fuck with his boy modesty “Oh even my boy naked all the time, nobody care”, this is what make me sick of mainstream people mentality ‘why if you can care so much with your daughter modesty, yet at same time completely ignored your boy modesty, even not just a bit of care to boy you show’? imagine if I said the reverse.

His main excused is “boy will be safe, although there’s a boy pedophile” (Lol), even if boy more free from pedophile – if he naked and seen by female bystander, it still unfair, why? Because ‘no male see even just a partial teen girl form, yet female very easy to see teen boy full form (all the time)’, other is if a guy (just) accidentally see your daughter naked= still count as sexism right, yet why if a teen boy form accidentally seen by a girl= “Ah it’s okay atleast no pedophile”, this is still biased double standard.

And who said no female pedophile? There exist many time case were female teacher have sex with boy, since attracted to teen boy anatomy (fresh teen penis).

Here I post some non sexual context female form, why? Since I’m tired in my society there’s a ‘male naked only public fest’ which objectified male body full frontal naked, even at street, even consider “family” rating, worse held by (Southasia) institution (who claim prudish), at that fest the female not even half naked (which if happen still unfair since the guy been objectified full frontal a.k.a bottomless), so very angry til anxiety since cannot do anything to that ‘clothed female, naked male’ contrast sexist fest, remembering it’ll happen again make me stress, so here me for coping of my stress- I pasting this ‘public West female full form in non sexual context’ pic too (*by the way I’m not hypocrite since the ‘West female form pic’ that I post have male nudity too in that place, while the one I complain in my society is about status quo ‘cfnm’ only situation.. duh! Why I should explain this all the time, sex negative feminist?)





Adult Korean Movie apply Genital Equality (not like other who only dare to objectified male nudity more frontally at legal film), 24 May 2019

I’m bit happy because I just realize in an adult legal Korean movie (or maybe not legal but I love the genital equality concept) they show a fair policy that is when come for sex scene: they censored both genital equally (not like other who objectified male genital – penis – only, while protecting vagina modesty) + they show both sexes’s nipple & buttcrack fairly (not like other who only dare to exposed male full buttcrack), and even they show romantic cunnilingus by guy scene (& hv bj scene too) equally (not like at other place were they only by ‘pc cult’ only dare to show bj only: a.k.a show ‘male anatomy only who get objectified by female senses’ scene). This give me a small hope to Asia- they still can apply equality too, yes positive, it’s positive. Hope other Asian/ Southasian country follow this anatomy equality at legal movie (not only dare to unfairly objectified male nudity only in more frontal way at fam rating movie), share

They also equally have:

Male touch breast vs female touch male nipple (not like other society who always female only who can touch male nip)

Male suck breast vs female lick male nipple (not like other society who because of feminist pc cult- only dare to show female liberate (ly) lick male nip without censored)

Male touch female genital vs female touch male genital (both in undie)

Cmnf vs cfnm (not like other society who only dare to show male naked in far more frontal way than the reverse)

Although at other issues, or other Asian place still many unfairness which more objectified male bodies at fam rating place in more frontal ways, We still can take time to appreciate Korean adult movie, long live Korean.



CUNNI BJ 24519



They also show female is okay too- for expressing their sexuality, it’s normal, female are human too 😉

Screenshot_20190523-140144_Video Player




My Love to Latin & Europe for ‘Free The Vulva’, 3 may 2019

I thanks to Latin & Europe since when having nude fest, or nudity at movie- they show female form too (not like nude fest at Asia/ Southasia, or U.s/ U.k movie who only ‘objectified’ Male nudity only – in far more frontal way, yet somehow must more protect female modesty). Asia, Southasia, U.s/ U.k movie should learn from Latin & Europe in Free the nipple & Free The VAGINA.

By the way this Latin fest already fair: show both sexes nudity.

Stay away from Sex Negative Feminism & Religious Bigot since they love to normalize “Objectification only worse & crime if happen to female” mentality, they love to normalize objectification of male bodies only.

Uzyna Uzona Cripus 17717 (4)

Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (3)

Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (6)

Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (8)

Ensaiando "Macumba Antropofágica"

My Love to Latin & Europe for ‘Free The Vulva’, 3 may 2019

*Accidentally I post this article twice so 1 I left original, and in here I change the pic

I thanks to Latin & Europe since when having nude fest, or nudity at movie- they show female form too (not like nude fest at Asia/ Southasia, or U.s/ U.k movie who only ‘objectified’ Male nudity only – in far more frontal way, yet somehow must more protect female modesty). Asia, Southasia, U.s/ U.k movie should learn from Latin & Europe in Free the nipple & Free The VAGINA.

By the way this Latin fest already fair: show both sexes nudity.

Stay away from Sex Negative Feminism & Religious Bigot since they love to normalize “Objectification only worse & crime if happen to female” mentality, they love to normalize objectification of male bodies only.





Uzyna Uzona Flankers 17717 (7)

Uzyna Uzona Omachado 17717 (5)

Photos of Asian (Japanese/ China/ Taiwanese/ Hong Kong/ ShangHai) female nudist in non sexual context, 25 April 2019

I post this picture since my new article not yet finish, and take time before posting it.

Ah by the way to Asian sex negative feminist if you get mad at this – which just an individual person did it – pic (which happen not at crowded place, and non legal), then get mad too at the reverse situation that exist even more worse like ‘bunch of male been objectified almost naked at Crowded Public fest, even held by Legal Entertainment Organization’ (i.e male naked dance), or even ‘bunch of Male been Objectified Full Frontal Naked at Crowded Public fest, even held by Legal Education Institution’ (i.e oblationrun).

So I use a photos were the female naked in non legal situation & non public (which already fair since numerous of male exhibitionist often did the same too) while what I protest is unfairness of ‘why only male form that can be objectified more frontally & Legally at Public Family Rating Fest’. So I’m not hypocrite- Don’t Twisted it religious bigot, legal media, and sex negative hypocrite feminist!




Be aware of sex negative femininity feminist, and religious bigot agenda since they can brainwash & make anatomy comparison between male & female more unfair, and contrast, 3 April 2019

I just want to tell about sexist situation that seem nonsense/ peculiar but it happen, in past in this society –  were I live in. When I was younger, it’s normal for a girl wear two piece of swimsuit (modest/ not) at swimming pool (remember: men are also wear underwear/ boxer seen by a female at pool, so stop play victim card hypocrite sex negative feminism), so bare in mind that it’s very normal at pool for men & women to see their opposite sexes wear suit in non sexual context at pool (no big deal). Other thing in past is it’s normal if cleavage seen/ show at tv (remember: men are also topless at tv very often, so you can’t play victim sex negative feminism – I know as advocate of topless equality for me ‘topless female= topless male’, but for the sake of mainstream people who don’t understand topless equality, so let just assume “bra top= topless guy”- for this sake of article only), so bare in mind for audience to see topless male and cleavage (/ bra top) on tv is perfectly normal- nobody take it seriously, no actress nor actor nor audience take it seriously (nonsense to angry over shirtless guy or cleavage, right?).

Now time flies, and now you’ll notice the change in our society: (only) female who even wear full clothed suit even if already at pool (while the guy wear short as usual), now (only) female who will be censored strictly if at tv even (just) over a cleavage- clothed female, and yes now people will perceived this as “normal”, and claim this as “our real culture, stupid!” especially our newest generation. So now ‘female see male shirtless wear boxer at pool or tv’= “okay”, yet if reverse ‘a guy see female wear 2 piece swimsuit even if already at pool’= “Omg, so you make this article to objectified female? I’m disgust with pervert like you, I will protect my female modesty!”- something like this (playing victim) by (majority) of our new generation. Conclusion ‘it’s only sexist if men see it’ cult, and ‘objectification only bad if happen to female’ mentality.

There’s other worse case, once I complain why only male full buttcrack can be ‘objectified’ at 13+ rating movie here (when the reverse even if already at 21+ movie- female buttcrack will be cut/ censored strictly)? No respond from authority (several time I speak.. tired to give so much effort & get negative respond from authority & mainstream), yet when a religious (hejabi) feminist complain over local youtube advert about a (Clothed) girl band (who still wear double layer + covered top & bottom) who this hejabi somehow perceived as “naked”, guess what? The authority fucking respond, they check it whether the complain is right (probably we hope the authority then laugh at this right? But no) they give  an official warning to the organizer who make the advert, or other new worse case thing here: management of local “disney” here can covered just a topless female mermaid statue, again statue.. while at our local tv channel sometime show more frontal/ vulgar M-a-l-e nudity/ semi nudity with nobody angry, contrast right?

This happen because – my biggest speculation – a religious bigot, and a sex negative ‘hypocrite’ feminist propaganda which get responded by an elite of tv & elite in education place as something “good”/ “politically correct” (for applying “it only sexist if men see it” cult, or “objectification only bad if happen to female” mentality). In past people of that generation can fully understand that 2 piece of swimsuit= male wear short, now if you ask new generation, they will accusse us as “digusting pervert”, and start play “objectification” victim card (as sex negative feminine feminist teach/ propaganda). Difficult to make a change religious bigot & sex negative feminist already win this brainwashing, and majority already brainwashed to pro them.

I forgot that this not only give unfairness to male, but to female too! A body confidence girl will easily be shame as “whores” for choosing to be different from religious modesty obsessed female. She will get peer pressure from her surrounding.

I must be honest most female here are sex negative feminist that have mentality like “yeay, female win we can see male shirtless at public while guy couldn’t even see us with bra top at pool, female can play victim more easily than before, haha”- hypocrite selfish thinking like that. Okay they (sex negative feminine hypocrite feminist) will give excused like “female must more covered because men can rape & harass, while no men harass by us nor rape victim is a male at all!” (then think she win by this), my answer is: yes, most rape/ harass happen to female- although many enough male victim of rape/ harass too (even by female predator) which unfortunately people don’t give a fuck, but it fallacy to mix this up.. you see- Europe never listen this kind of ‘modesty hypocrite obsessed girl’, and thanks to Europe they make us realize that ‘men will not rape just because female wear bikini at pool’, or female wear bikini at pool is normal, imagine if we listen to this sex negative feminism and become like Mideast- we’ll never realize that society such as Europe can exist.

Once a female angry to me “Just because female see topless men at public doesn’t mean female objectified you, get it!!!!” now if she said that ‘female see male shirtless doesn’t mean objectification’ the same can be apply to the reverse, it goes both way! A guy see female in bikini at pool is not objectification too (worse at same time that girl try to convince me that ‘male see female cleavage even at pool, even if the guy not think dirty is still “degraded women” such a hypocrite), okay maybe you will reply “But female get rape or harass, you understand, while women never rape nor harass a male” (I already answer on above paragraph) but my other reply is: how about a guy who don’t harass, nor rape but happen at pool & see female in bikini??? will you count “objectification” too??

“O how if your daughter wear bikini seen by other guy, huh!? Checkmate! Hahaha” First bikini is normal at pool, secondly: a mother also never care his son wear short, or even naked seen by female bystander eyes at public for ‘male (objectification) only naked fest’ (evidence is cfnm fest at some Asia country like one of them is male naked fan dance in Japan, or holy bath Gangga river India), so you’re the 1 who get checkmate for your hypocrisy, until mom & daughter care their father, brother, and her son modesty first.

I forgot to said that I’m from Asia, and from what I know Europe is far more fair in this body equality issues, so Europe you should protect your beautiful equal culture from Asian mentality, okay!? Share! before it too late!

I know difficult to have a change, this argument is my coping of my frustration, but I believe even if slow thing can change better to be more equal, so help me to share this!

Next article is about why me debating sex negative feminism on this issues.


Sex negative feminist female is a part of problem, 20 March 2019

The reality that ‘too much sex negative feminism’ between female on this Asia (and/ or Southasia) population is a one of disadvantage factor for our ‘anatomy equality’ movement – not because I dislike sex negative feminism personal choice of being modest, it’s her rights, not because I hate modesty – but in my experience this kind of female love if ‘objectification only count bad if happen to female’ mentality/ ‘it only sexist if men see it’ cult, ie: if there’s a bikini festival at public, she will outrage, playing ‘objectification’ victim card & even demand it to be banned, yet on other day if it about ‘male muscle show’ or even worse ‘male almost naked’- (show male buttcrack) fest that happen at public- this kind of female never outrage, even try to defend this male semi nudity show as “open minded”, or “our culture”.

So for example – this is based on my observation – if there’s a female body show, or just an idea of it, this girl easily loose her mind, after playing ‘objectification’ victim card & blame men as “pervert” then she will said “all human female & male must be modest, so yes banned that female body show!” (something like this), yet on other day if it about male semi nudity fest, they will said something sound like “be open minded, it’s their culture, if it’s a female I’m not angry either”- this kind of gymnastic excused that I often meet.

This is what I dislike if half of population’s mainstream have double standard mentality like this then the result/ output will also double standard & difficult to make a change since: 1) This kind of female will keep pressure to banned female body show while ignore male body show, 2)  the body confidence female volunteer on body fest (if exist) not only rare, but are often ‘condemned’ & shame by the sex negative one if there’s a female who willingly join, so by this male semi nudity/ male nudity will be easily count as “family rating” and dominated at public fest/ tv/ film than if it’s a female.

Don’t give me wrong, it’s because male nudity already been ‘objectified’ at family rating place like public fest/ tv/ film while female modesty somehow more protected, worse must hear mainstream whining “only happen to female”, and because of this we want equality right, but it difficult especially if sex negative feminist dominated in our population, get it? Example of what I said: on U.k/ U.s movie male genitalia are being objectified frontally for audience like a cheap object (even an erect one) while female vagina modesty somehow more protected like wear underwear, or protected by merkins, now imagine sex negative feminist dominated again at film= more worse than before.

The worse worse example that already happening is oblation run at University of Philippines were ‘a male audience not even see female (just) half naked, not even (just) see her in (more clothed) bikini at university- taboo, yet the reverse female audience (female student, staff & teacher) can even free to see (bunch of) male full frontal naked at legal institution, not taboo at all’. So “male see bikini at univ=politically incorrect/ offensive/ gender issues”, yet “female even see bunch of frontal naked male at univ=normal day/ not count as anything”. One of this factor is too much sex negative feminism I guess, imagine if majority of female have sex positive/ body confidence mentality it more easy for activist who wish equality at oblation run to give pressure to Alpha Phi Omega fraternity, sadly most ladies are sex negative they use 1001 excused to defend this unfairness & try to potrait this blatant unfairness as something that “perfectly fine” (when if the gender were reverse they’re the one who very fast loose her mind).

I disagree to said this all because of “nature”, Philippines dominated by religion which obsessed with modesty of female, female since kid will be teach dignity (while boy not- even the opposite) so off course you can’t hope same output by different input right? Not to forgot society have a norm ‘guy reveal himself= okay’, ‘female reveal herself= inappropriate’ (this mentality on the first place) so off course female will think that naked run fest should not be participate by female since only (cheap) male who must do that.

This kind of sex negative feminism not only make society imbalance, but they’ll stand infront us- who wish equality at oblation run (for example), and smear over us. Basically they angry over our idea to either ‘banned male only naked run’, or ‘input female nude participant too’ for equality, but they never angry when ‘only men that been exploited full frontal naked at public institution’ that truly really happening from 1970s till now, look? How hypocrite they are (*I’m not making this, this is by observation some screenshot is on my pc which sometime the evidence post by me when making article too- just check my previous article, or just wait every time I update & read it).

This is also reason why I respect sex positive feminism/ body confidence female so much they apply fair play, if they said “why should angry see nudity?” then she mean it okay too if guy admire female form in non sexual context at family rating place (not like the sex negative one who often hypocrite play objectification victim card). Until sex positive female dominated Asia then hope of achieving true equality can great again. Keep spreading awareness of anatomy equality (or *free the V) if you can folk, which hopefully help our cause.


Asia dominated by ‘hypocrite sex negative feminine feminist’ which result unfairness towards male: only male form (nudity/ semi) that can be ‘objectified’ at family rating place & nobody want to considered it as “gender issues” (when at same society if the gender were reverse= “serious gender issues”).


Europe dominated by sex positive feminism which result equality.

(*don’t play victim card sex negative feminism girl who read this, don’t you see the male nude too behind on Europe pic? if you get mad at Europe pic, why don’t you get mad at oblation run pic too? where only male form that been objectified even by an adolescence girl who took camera? hypocrite)

Respect for Europe! This is why I choose Europe cult over Asia, get it!? Free The V!




Unfairness of what consider as ‘nudity’ between Female vs Male in Muslim, Mid-East, Sex Negative Feminism, Feminine Traditionalist, Asia, Christians, U.s, and Legal media, 26 February 2019


This meme show you one main reason why “mainstream of people often love to biasedly compared male full frontal nudity with (just) female semi nudity”- which actually funny how they can mistaken this simple think.

Penis=VAGINA, male bottomless=female bottomless, and breast=male chest : so it’s wrong to compared ½ naked female w/ fully frontal naked male- it’s subjectivity perception that born from your surrounding society’s habit (*some people think they’re smart enough to ignorantly said “social construct never exist”, it do exist see Europe vs mid east people for example bring them to swimming pool & give swimming suit see is the result based on social construct or not: “O the hejabi doesn’t want to wear swimsuit & offended because the female shy by nature”- although almost all of Europe female see it as a normal swimsuit & no problem wear it, they never said. this is just small evidence social construct have role.. include make people biased-ly see non naked female as “naked”).

How if I said ‘o if male topless can be seen by female eyes, so male must able to see vagina- equal’ you easily understood this is biased (even claim this statement “objectified female vagina”, so how come you still don’t get it that it goes both way! Comparing ‘female semi nudity w/ male frontal nudity’ is un-valid too, it’s ‘objectified male penis’ too- why I never hear you said it??)

So by your “rational” you claim

Case a: male & female can seen each other sex topless equally (which actually already fair) = “objectified female only”

Case b: (just example) where male can see vagina, while female just allowed to see male topless = “very unfair & more objectified female bodies only, how evil men are blabla”

Yet case C (the exact reverse situation of case b): Where female can (even) see (objectified) penis (male genital), yet male (count “wrong” if see female genital/ vagina) aka just allowed to see female topless only- not in pervy senses (which actually very unfair to male 1 too since: more ‘objectified’ male bodies only (male bottom part*), or objectified male genital only) =  suddenly “Oh it’s okay already equal” facepalm

This is why I remake this meme credit to guy4progress guy who firstly make something like this.

So I hope you spread my meme for awareness, it easy just spread it at your own home, own bed, own pc.

Let make society realize that actually they already “objectified” male nudity too (even some more frontal than female one), the problem is they falsely see male nudity/ semi nudity as “he fully clothed/ family rating”, or missed to aware that the guy/ the male is already shown ‘objectified’ naked/ semi naked too- at tv/ movie/ even some happen at public too (why only count sexism if it happen to female?).

Share it look ‘powerless’ until you realize this can do something.

And what I said is true i.e U.k & U.s movie who only dare to ‘exploited’ male genital only (penis) for audience legally- even an erect one, yet somehow more protect female Genital modesty (i.e covered vagina by merkins), and there’s other example too just often read this blog here.

Female nudity domination in prostitution= “Objectification, Oppression”, male nudity in prostitution= “Personal prefence, mens sexual health”, 20 january 2019

Beside wishing for anatomy equality at public (i.e tired of unfairness many male frontal nudity that been ‘objectified’ legally at legal movie/ nude public fest, yet when it’s female- only till soft nudity that can exist legally/ publicly which make me sick), I wish to have equality at sex too (porn or prostitution) what I mean by this is that at sex, the pattern is same like at “public/ movie” when we observed it – always “male nudity” that been demystified.

Always ‘blowjob/ handjob’ only at sex aka ‘always male anatomy only that been demystify/ objectified by female senses’ while the reverse ‘cunnilingus- by guy’ seem far more unexistable which make it imbalance (especially at Asia who’s good at double standard gender role mindset, more worse the female often not naked, or even clothed which make it more contrast).

I have no problem if the turntable is ‘existable enough’ but the problem is it’s not the case, this imbalance-ness (bj only, handjob only, cfnm only) is fucking status quo, I know many doubt pop up in your head laughing at me when I said this since this issues is bit complicated (which I try to explain to you here).

I have no problem if it’s just a couple who decide bj- only (it personal) but if a big porn organization, or prostitution make platform for only ‘demystfying male genital by female senses’ I disagree it encourage the double standard were ‘people lead to think male genital less taboo to be demystified than the reverse + female demystifiying male more count as “normal” than the reverse’, by make this sexist platform exist it also not personal anymore but creating & encourage a habit & normalizing imbalance-ness to happen at society (since cunnilingus by guy platfom easily taboo yet not the reverse that bj platform). Just think if the sexes were reverse- a prostitution of ‘only men licking vagina’ platform, yes feminine feminist will really outrage especially an Asian sex negative feminism, religious bullshit, pc culture media, and ignorance mainstream since they think “the worse objectification platform for vagina is started happen & normalize” just like when they loose mind over striptease.

Some of you in your ignorance started think “how about striptease,hmm!?” striptease is not about ‘male touching, or licking female bodies’ so ‘blowjob/ handjob prostitution platform only’ still far more ‘objectified’ male nudity if this both compared (which even feminine feminist will still more angry to the strptease one only). That’s why if mainstream & media can easily said striptease (place to only see – female – nudity) is “objectification” then why the more worse version like bj/ handjob platform is never count ‘objectification’ by them? (because it male nudity? So difficult to count it?).

Some of you said “come on this is demand”, yes for business perspective it maybe “more money” but we shouldn’t be a ‘robot’ who only decide to think from this perspective right? It still unfair if only exist a platform for ‘demystifying/ objectifying’ male nudity by female senses yet the revese taboo. It still unfair if ‘male (just) see female form’ (striptease)= count as “sexist” yet ‘female see + grab + taste male genital (bj/ handjob platform)’= “normal day”. This mentality all happen from: too much bow down to feminine feminism, too much obsessed with female modesty, too much believe religion, and too much pc culture bullshit. Yes, I couldn’t forced (especially if already normalize) but nothing wrong for me to speak up, nothing wrong for me to cope myself, and even if minor of people agree to me – it’s great.

“Female are all getting forced by men”, not really some female are sex negative feminism who think her gender win if objectified/ demystified male bodies while at same time her modesty protected, and that’s why we often found scandal case where the female alone want to become prostitute/ do sex willingly.

Other common excused “Huh, I don’t want to get diseases from licking V”, bitch please by fellatio only with female prostitute- who often change partner, you pervy guy will not safe from diseases- virus still can infect your body through your penis, and need a month even year before realizing it. Diseases is vary there’s a danger one like ‘destroying your liver’, or Hiv Aids (Blowjob is even have bigger chance for diseases than cunnilingus by guy). I know many female interested to ‘objectified’ dick with her senses (that’s why couldn’t resist to ‘knee down’) but if people think “the pervy guy don’t want to get diseases” why on earth they never said the same to female prostitute? Like “the female don’t want to get virus from male bodies”? Why if “cunnilingus”= ‘be careful diseases’ yet when “blowjob”= ‘healthy, it’s life’.

In Asia their mentality still more ‘traditionalist’ politicall correctness culture like respecting feminine feminism, obsessed modesty of female, so this is why they more ignorance to the unfairness, while in Europe more people will speak up towards the double standard in sex, I hear from my doctor friend that said an experiment show Europe female also wish for guy to knee down for them, they hoping more cunnilingus by guy scene for female to enjoy (for Europe people the one who get pleasure is the “winner” one- and they fair by they apply this mentality for both sexes, while in Asia which often more ‘unfair’ & have gender role mentality: only the guy one think like this (get pleasure “= win”) while majority of female think “our female sexes win if we demystified penis by female senses”- since they being told to be modest since kid, and being told that “men are evil that always objectified them” since girl so this make them think to “revenge” even if actually nothing to revenge just feminism lie…while Asian male teach to be shameless like pig since a boy “yeah, macho”- bullshit).

Religious Government + feminine feminism inside only try to banned & make taboo female nudity in prostitution make ‘female nudity prostitution’ more careful in promotion, and otherwise this make ‘male nudity prostitution’ more confidence in promoting their existence even some pop up at family place, and people who want to make prostitute somehow run to make ‘male nudity prostitution’ since the female one must be more careful. This happen at some country which is (sexist) prudish so seeing this make me sick. I wish become richer & have more power, and make my own world (cunnilingus by guy/ fingering prostitution specialist platform exactly in their face – who become source of this unfairness – since I can’t forced whenever sexism is already normalize right? More difficult right?)

